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Matariki from Hubble telescope

Pleides from the Hubble Telescope:


Matariki, a peak behind the stars

Jenni Hammonds - June 25, 2024

In te ao Māori, the star cluster signifying the new year holds deep cultural and spiritual significance. Listen to Tewaiehu Savage, Kaiarahi Mātauranga Māori, as she unpacks several layers of understanding for Kōtui Ako educators.

One of the many benefits of teaching with Kōtui Ako is the sharing of knowledge from members of NEX Kōtuitui in their area of expertise. In this session, Tewaiehu Savage leads a kōrero around Matariki.

Waerea te rangi e tū nei,

Clear the sky above

Waerea te papa e takoto nei,

Clear the earth below,

Whakapūmautia tēnei kawa uruora,

Establish this ceremony,

Te kawa ki a Matariki.

The formal ceremony of Matariki.

Watch Tewaiehu's presentation in three parts, the whakapapa of Matariki; the connection each star within the cluster has to the natural world; and different ways and parts of hautapu Matariki - the celebration.

Whakapapa of Matariki

Part 1: Hear about the whakapapa of Matariki, and how pūrakau or stories connect the constellation with Tāwhirimatea and the battle of the gods after the separation of earth and sky.

Matariki Part 1: Whakapapa Kōtui Ako VLN

Watch the video (9:48-14:35) Tewaiehu references directly - the pūrakau of Rangi and Pāpā, and the battle of the ariki resulting in Matariki.

Note: The above link is to a valuable presentation by Dr Rangi Matamua sharing his extensive knowledge around Matariki and Māori astronomy.

Connection of each star

Part 2: Learn about the connection each star of Matariki has with the natural world, where they sit in the sky, and how to remember.

Matariki Part 2: Connection Kōtui Ako VLN

Celebrating Matariki

Part 3: Understand how hautapu Matariki can be celebrated in te ao Māori - as a way to remember those who have passed, an occasion for enjoying the gifts of te taiao or the environment in the present, and a time to reflect and plan for the future.

Matariki Part 3: Celebrating Kōtui Ako VLN

Here are Tewai's Matariki Ahunganui Google Slides if you want to use, please credit her mahi with NEX Kōtuitui if shared.

Ngā mihi nui tātou.

Karakia whakamutunga

Matariki Part 4 Karakia Kōtui Ako VLN

Tewaiehu Savage is a registered teacher, with a background in ECE. She holds a Bachelor in Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori, Graduate Diploma in Teaching, and is working towards a Masters of Educational leadership. She is experienced in supporting kaiako me ngā ākongo with tikanga Māori and te reo Māori.

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