NEX Kōtuitui is a 'Network of Expertise' for those teaching online in Aotearoa | New Zealand schools, who want to teach and collaborate online, and who support our online learners.
Our learning community extends beyond our own individual organisations and is a place where:
teachers are supported to lead;
strengths, expertise, and practice is shared;
teachers not only connect but collaborate with others who have similar interests and needs that are specific to being an online teacher;
and so meet the diverse needs of our online learners.
Through our network of expertise we can leverage our collaborative expertise, grow teacher leadership and capability, strengthen cross-sector primary/secondary professional networks, and provide facilitation, support and leadership for online teaching and learning.
NEX Kōtuitui is a collaborative network led by Kōtui Ako VLN & supported by the Ministry of Education, through Networks of Expertise.