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by Rachel Whalley

Kōtuitui Online Teachers Network Membership

Kōtuitui - March 23, 2021

Membership is open to all teachers from Aotearoa New Zealand who teach or support learners online. Also for teachers who are interested in getting involved in online teaching and learning.

NEX Kōtuitui is a collaborative network led by the VLN Community & supported by the Ministry of Education, through Networks of Expertise.

Benefits of Membership

  • The ability to connect, communicate, share and participate in communities of practice with your peers through our online social network; 

  • Be a part of an evolving online learning community;

  • Access to resources that support online teaching;

  • Application for funding for release time to support an inquiry, collaborative project, or to contribute to tertiary study;

  • Invitation to an annual national Hui;

  • Invitation to regional Hui;

  • Teacher’s voice for advocacy in online learning;

  • Ongoing, informal professional learning, supported by like-minded peers and experts in the field.

There are many ways to engage through the Kōtuitui teacher network:

  1. Visit our Website

  2. Use the Click here to Sign Up function on the top right

  3. Follow us on Facebook, or LinkedIn

  4. Participate in and contribute to PLD opportunities!

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