Update from the Lochiel School Board
Summer McKerchar - November 7, 2022
We are excited to see our new school sign up with our new mascot recently. A big thank you goes to our LSN who provided the funding to have this made and also Maree who volunteered her time to do the design work. Our school sports centre (former swimming pool building) redevelopment plans have also received a boost from three generous families, Wilsons, White and Thompson, who have donated pledges to the project - thank you so much for your generosity. We will find out from Lotteries whether we have been successful in achieving our sports centre funding goal in December.
The school board met on Tuesday 1st November. Some of the decisions the board has made recently include opting into the school donations scheme for 2023, following consultation with our community. The board also adopted the Health and PE Long Term Plan and Fitness Long Term Plan. The board has started preparing the draft budget for 2023 and considered our Term 4 schedule of reviews and actions for our school policies (on SchoolDocs). We would love to have more parent/caregiver feedback on our school policies to ensure they remain relevant and tailored for our school. Providing feedback is easy, simply login to SchoolDocs (username (lochiel) and password (lochiel39) and follow the 'current review' tab and follow the instructions. You can give as little or as much feedback as you want and you can do it in your slippers if need be. At any time you can also send general feedback on any topic to the Prinicpal by clicking the green feedback button at the top right of policy pages. Amongst policies for current review at the moment are our Health, Safety and Welfare Policy, Digital Technology and Cybersafety and School Bus Transport. We are pleased to see the new Learning Support Centre development moving along nicely and design work is happening in the background as we look towards the Room 1 and 2 internal upgrades in 2023.
Our next board meeting is at Lochiel School on Tuesday 29th November, 6:15pm and is open to the public. We look forward to a safe and happy Term 4 and seeing everyone at Prizegiving on Friday 2nd December as we celebrate all of our students achievements this year.
Ngā mihi nui
Amy McStay
Presiding Member Lochiel School Board