Chess Excitement at Lochiel School
Norah Thomson - May 19, 2021
On Thursday the 12th of May, the Lochiel School Chess team, consisting of Charlie Sowman, Angus Montgomery, Jack Brinkworth and Alex Brinkworth, participated in the Chess Power online tournament.
The tournament was a five round Swiss, which means that every player undertakes 5 rounds of chess with the exception of the byes.
Our school got 3rd in the intermediate division, and their highest individual standing was Angus Montgomery, who got 2nd, which meant he got a place in the chess nationals in Rotorua.
This was our second online tournament for this year!
On Wednesday the 19th of May, 12 people from Lochiel went to James Hargest Senior Campus to participate in a Chess Power chess tournament - face to face this time!. This competition was a 7 round Swiss tournament, and the way it worked is that the more people you beat the harder your opponents got.
Lochiel got 2nd overall in the intermediate division, which meant we earned 5 places in the national tournament. Everyone had a lot of fun, and a few people earned some badges.
The highlights included:
Getting a first win - or just winning in general
Getting a medal for the first time
Getting a badge on the final game
When someone who went to Nationals complimented me on my game
Getting the ‘Biggest Gainer’ badge
When my opponent helped me by reminding me to hit the clock
Getting points for the first time
Beating my sister and getting a badge!