Connexions March 2024
Connexional Office
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Christian World Service
Viv Whimster
A warm invitation to all Lay Preachers, interested, in training or experienced, to join us for a zoom conversation and catch up
Trudy Downes
Share your story!
Linda Grigg, Parish Administrator, Waiuku & Districts Combined Churches
An Auckland Methodist-Presbyterian church is reaching ‘hidden’ migrants in its midst, who need help improving their English speaking skills.
In South India, Dalit women and children are planting trees as a carbon sink.
Please continue to pray for peace in the Middle East.
Allison Edwards
2024 is here and the Community Dinner will be held on the first (1st) Friday Of March, May, July, September and November 2024.
John Thornley, Wesley Broadway, Palmerston North
11 A.M. each Tuesday& Saturday morning on Manawatu People’s Radio (MPR) Frequency 999AM
Pauline McKay, Chairperson, World Day of Prayer Aotearoa New Zealand National Committee.
As I said in the February Touchstone when the decision was made in 2017 that the 2024 Service would be prepared by the World Day of Prayer Palestine National Committee we did not know at the time how poignant, meaningful and prophetic that decision was. At a time when the people of Palestine need our solidarity and prayers more than any time in their turbulent history I urged people to attend the services and I thank the many who did.
CWS is looking for people willing to make a monthly donation to support people to exchange poverty for life.
Julie Roberts
It can be hard to make your bed if you don't have the pillow, the linen....
Northcote Takapuna Methodist Parish
Community Enabler, Are you interested in leading this parish in supporting rapidly changing North Shore communities to make their places better for everyone through community led development?
Ady Shannon
Last year when we transitioned from a printed version of Touchstone to an online version, we promised to undertake a review in 2024.
CWS is grateful for your generous support throughout the year ending March 31.
Ngaire Southon and Viv Whimster are offering an online zoom course for Lead Worship starting on Wednesday 3 April .
Christian World Service (CWS) is the emergency aid, development and justice agency of New Zealand Churches. We work without discrimination, and in collaboration with the ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together), along with our own partner organisations around the globe.
On behalf of the committee Pat Jacobson.
Like many places, Wairarapa has had to do some hard thinking and some re-organisation of the way we look after our parishes. St James and Featherston have linked with a retired Minister willing to help.
Some rights reserved Methodist Church of New Zealand , 2024