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Milford School

Newsletter: Term 4, Week 8

2022 Term Dates

Term 1 Wednesday 2 February - Thursday 14 April
Term 2 Monday 2 May - Friday 8 July
Term 3 Monday 25 July - Friday 30 September
Term 4 Monday 18 October - Thursday 15 December  

2022 Public Holidays

Auckland Anniversary Day - Monday 31 January
Waitangi Day - Monday 7 February (observed)
Good Friday - Friday 15 April (holidays)
Anzac Day - Saturday 25 April
Queen’s Birthday Monday 6 June
Matariki - Friday 24 June
Labour Day Monday 24 October


Principal's Message

by Sue Cattell

Tena koutou katoa. We have had the most awesome day today as we celebrated the Graduation of our Year 6 students. In looking at how we could hold this, while mitigating risk, the Year 6 teachers put together a lovely celebration outside which was recorded for our parent community as they were not able to be onsite. The students were presented with their graduation certificate, a Milford School bear, and the traditional white t-shirt that they can have signed by their peers and teachers. We also provided lunch in the form of individual pizzas. I will really miss this group of students and, as I said in my speech to them, commend them for how they have navigated their way through the challenges of this year.

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Year 6 Graduation

by Admin

Unfortunately, there was a technical issue this morning with the live stream of our Year 6 Graduation ceremony. Below you will find links to the recorded video and some photos too. Individual photos of each child were taken with their certificate, and the teachers will let you know how to access these.

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SEESAW - Downloading 2021!

by Sara Baker

If you would like to download your child's work on Seesaw this year to keep as an online portfolio, please see the instructions below. Please ensure you do this prior to 31 December.

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Year 6 Google Accounts

by Morgan McKeen

At the end of Year 6, students have the option of taking their Google Drive content with them. This should be done before they leave school for the year. To find out how to migrate your child's work, please see the instructions below

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Room 17's Brownies

by Iris Leng

Room 17 made microwave brownies this week, and learnt about the names of ingredients and kitchen equipment. They were also able to practice their measuring skills. The brownies look delicious! Great work Room 17.

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Te Ika a Maui (The Fish of Maui)

by Charlotte Barrance

In Room 10 we have been learning about a range of Māori myths including Te Ika a Maui. A myth is a traditional, usually ancient story involving supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes. It is used to explain aspects of the natural world or to show the thoughts, customs, or ideals of a group of a society. Myths exist in every world culture including New Zealand Māori.

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How We Express Ourselves

by Nirelle Armstrong

This week, some of the Year 3 children have been finishing our unit on How We Express Ourselves. In this unit, we learned that stories can be told in many different ways for many different reasons. Children choose how they would tell their own story, with some using the written format while others used dance, singing, and animation. We had lots of fun!

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Room 13's Christmas Penguins

by Danelle Patching

Some children in Room 13 worked on their penguins over the last few days. First, we had to paint the background and wait for it to dry. Next, we made our penguins out of coloured paper. We are very proud of our Christmas penguins!

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Pupuke Kāhui Ako Digital Mural

by Paula Snowball

Congratulations to the some of our talented artists, Meera, Ashleigh, Jafar, Flynn, Melissa, Bailey and Joshua who were part of the Digital Mural group. Last week they were given a printed copy of the coloured hexagon that they helped designed. We can't wait to see your art work displayed in Auburn Street in Takapuna shortly. We are very proud of you all, it looks amazing!!

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Waterwise Instructors need for 2022 ⛵

by Shona Batty

Our year 5 and 6 students are fortunate to have the opportunity to sail and kayak at Waterwise, Lake Pupuke. They do this approximately 3 times per term in terms 1,2 and 4 from 11:30 to 3:00. You only need to be present on the days your child/grandchild participates.

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Community Notices

by Admin

Please note that the following advertisements are from external sources / businesses and are intended to be informative for the reader. This does not imply that they are endorsed by Milford School.

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