Our History
Hardeep Singh - May 29, 2022
To see the full history of our school visit this link...
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School Committee / Board of Trustees members
Founding School Committee: T.M. Rouse (Chairperson), WM Barriball, CE Scott, AW Jones, WT Leonard, CJ Mapson, KS McWatters, G. Millen, EG Townsend, AJ Hodgson, DR Lines, KW Dalgety, D Challis, WJ Hall, T Kuper.
1959 - 1969 - TM Rouse (Chairman), WM Barriball, CE Scott, AW Jones, WT Leonard, CJ Mapson, KS McWatters, G Millen, EG Townshend, AJ Hodgson, DR Lines, KW Dalgety, D Challis, WJ Hall, T Kuper.
1969 - 1979 - KW Dalgety, WT Leonard, T Kuper, CJ Mapson, Wj Hall, R Corlett, T Keane, Mrs C Jager, D Challis, D Leonard, W Hayward, R Holden, Mrs V aurich, Mrs N Slavich, Mrs N Saunders, J Hayward, D Connors.
1979 - 1989 - Mrs M Courtney, E Body, Mrs N Saunders, R Webster, W award, S Davey, I Billings, D Connors, W Bennett, rs J Macdonald, J Pascoe, R Foster, N Olesen, R Davies, Mrs P Reynolds, R Dobson, B Carter, A Signal.
1989 - 1999 - Mrs L Gordon, Mrs T Williams-Watene, B Mattock, M Shelley Mrs J Robinson, G Townshend.
1999 - 2010 - Mrs A Fitzpatrick, A Jones, P Leonard, Mrs S Johnstone, Mrs K Saunders-Challis, Mrs I Emery, A Gordon, Mrs J Pirie, R Webster, Mrs B Roberts, G Heaven.
2011 - 2012 - A Gordon, S Doddrell, Mrs B Roberts, MrsJ Pirie, Mrs J Rangitawa, P Leonard
2013 - 2016 - A Gordon, S Doddrell, Mrs J Pirie, G Beagley, Mrs M Mackay
2016 - 2019 - G Beagley, Mrs N Irving, Mrs K Steffek, S Loft, Mrs M Mackay
2019 - 2022 - S Loft, G Beagley, Mrs N Irving, Mrs K Steffek, Mr N. Joynes
2022-2024 - S Loft, Mrs N Irving, Mr N. Joynes, Mr C. Spilsbury, Mrs S. Burke, Mr Normie Anderson
BOT Chairpersons
1995 - 2001 - Mr R Gallagher
2001 -Mrs M Quinn
2001 - Mrs A Fitzpatrick
2001 - 2007 Mr A Jones
2007 - 2016 Mr A Gordon
2016 -2019 Mr G Beagley
2019 -2021 Mr S Loft
1959 - 1963 Mr DK Reid
1963 - 1969 Mr R (Bob) Surgenor
1969 Mr E (Ted) McCudden (Relieving)
1969 - 1972 Mr Harold Sherson
1973 - 1974 Mr Scoble
1975 Mr Martin Hendren (Relieving)
1975 Mr Templer (Relieving)
1975 - 1978 Mr Ben Greenslade
1979 - 1996 Mr Len Hay
1997 - 2002 Mrs Anne McIntosh
2002 Lucy Hay (Relieving)
2003 Mr Neil Fraser
To see the full history of our school visit this link...