Tēnā koutou Otago,
We hope this finds you safe and dry after our recent spring downpours. Here's hoping Tāwhirimātea has exhausted his supply of wet surprises before summer rolls around!
It's been a whirlwind few months at Otago Community Trust. We've had our share of hellos and goodbyes, with a bittersweet farewell to our wonderful Community Engagement Advisor, Liz Harburg, in June. We've also been busy with the release of our 2023/2024 Annual Report and enjoyed some kai and kōrero with many of you at our Annual Public Meeting in Balclutha.
In this kōanga pānui (spring newsletter), we've got an array of updates to share with you:
A rundown of our June, July & August Grant Rounds;
Save-the-dates for our upcoming Funding Clinics in Clinton, Roxburgh & Wānaka;
The latest scoop on the Rangatahi-Led Funds for 2024;
What you need to know about funding applications over the summer;
And of course, a showcase of the incredible mahi happening in Otago communities.
Grab a cuppa, find a cozy spot, and let's dive into all the exciting happenings across our region.
Ngā mihi nui,
Otago Community Trust Team
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Otago Community Trust is here to help with a wide range of community projects.
Visit our website for more information or give us a call on 0800 10 12 40.