Otago Community Trust - July eNewsletter

In this issue

Tēnā koutou Otago - Welcome to our July 2021 eNewsletter.

Enclosed you will find:

  • A number of grantee stories covering projects that the Otago Community Trust has recently supported, including the recently opened IceInLine indoor curling rink;
  • A summary of our last two grants rounds - who and what we have been funding;
  • A Q&A with our newest member of the Otago Community Trust team, Liz Harburg - Community Engagement Advisor;
  • Information on the inaugural Dunedin Volunteer Awards;
  • Save the 17th of August in your calendar for our Annual Public Meeting.

As always, a reminder that Otago Community Trust provides grants to not-for-profit community groups and projects that make a positive contribution to Otago communities.

If you have any questions around funding, funding timelines and / or the type of projects we fund - do not hesitate to call us on 0800 10 12 40.
