Term 2 Week 8 Newsletter

Outram School Board update

by Carolyn Timoko

From the Board of Trustees

Earlier in the term, our year 5-8 students completed a student well-being survey. This survey spans across all three of our strategic goals, specifically:

1.1 Provide quality teaching and learning to encourage high levels of engagement from ākonga/learners and whānau.

2.1 Implement Play Is The Way within our school community.

3.1 Build on our strengths as a year 1-8 school.

The results of the survey were presented at the board meeting last night and the board was pleased to see a positive shift in how students feel in every area on the survey (compared with 2 years ago). This gives us assurance that Play Is The Way is having a positive impact, and our more senior learners are comfortable at school.

A strategic decision was made to opt into government funding for school fees next year.
You may have noticed there was no request for a school donation at the start of this year (approximately $100), as this was picked up by the government. You are still welcome to make a voluntary donation, and the school is always grateful for any help – whether it’s by way of donating, joining FOS, helping at a working bee, or coaching a sports team.

Sadly, it was the last board meeting for Andrew Kissell, who has resigned from the board. We appreciate Andrew staying on after his children left the school, and it has been a pleasure working with him.
The board has opted to fill his position by selection, and there is a separate notice about this.

Our next board meeting is on Wednesday 2nd August, 7pm, Room 1A. If you are interested in coming along, please contact me and I will make sure you have all the information you need.

Ngā Mihi

Anne-Marie Wells
027 4891876