Principal Welcome
Jordon Palfrey - April 26, 2023
It is my very real privilege to be the Tumuaki/Principal of Pārāwai School. As a leadership team, we are driven to provide a rich learning journey for all of our ākonga/ learners.
I have been a school Principal for over ten years at three different schools. I am passionate about seeing the potential in each and every one of our students and believe that we all have it in us to succeed. I look forward to ensuring that our school can support each of our learners on their learning journey.
Pārāwai School caters for approximately 250 students from Years 1-8. We have a long history of achieving great educational outcomes for our students within a broad and rich curriculum that delivers a vast range of learning opportunities. Our school has a strong reputation for dedicated, hard-working teachers that make a real difference, and we work closely with whānau/ families along the way. Pārāwai School holds and models strong values that are interwoven within many aspects of our school.
We aim for all of our students to be confident life-long learners who are supported to become the best they can be. Please do make a time to come in and discuss your child’s education at Pārāwai School.
Jordan Palfrey