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Introducing Board member Rebecca Lamont

Shane Buckner - December 18, 2024

I grew up in Rangiora and attended Rangiora Borough School for the early part of my primary school years, so now that I have children who attend the school, I wanted to join the Board to play a more active part of our school community.

I have been a member of the board since 2022 and over the last few years have enjoyed learning about the role of the board, the governance of the school and both the challenges and successes experienced at

Rangiora Borough School.

I believe that our school is one that focuses on our tamariki, whanau and wider community which as a Board we prioritise as we work to support our talented Kaiko and leadership team to provide an inclusive learning environment for all students.

As a parent if you would like to be more involved in our kura, please consider standing to become a board member later this year. Each of our members brings a different strength, experience and knowledge and it is when we are able to bring this all together as a team that we can best support RBS in the delivery of high-quality education.