Kia ora tatou, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia orana, Bula vinaka, Namaste, Nǐ hǎo, Salve, Bonjour, Kamusta, de Groeten, Greetings.
Thank you for your continued support of our school. Hearing of the positive things that our children are involved in out of school hours also shows that they continue to show the school values in all they do.
Welcome to our Cohort 2 New Entrant children and their families. It has been great seeing these new children on their pre-entry school readiness visits over the last couple of weeks, and we know that they will enjoy their time here at Rangiora Borough School.
In this newsletter, we introduce another couple of current Board members to share of their involvement in the governance of the school. This year, there will be School Boards Elections for the next three year term. We look forward to a number of people putting their hand up to be nominated as a Board member. During next term, there will be opportunity to engage with Board members in a less formal setting and ask questions about the role. We will keep you updated.
On Thursday 13th of March, the world will observe Kidney Day with a special event - a non-uniform day with a gold coin donation. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about kidney health and the importance of taking care of our kidneys. Thank you to our school leaders for organising this event.
Please ensure the date for this week's Ministry Curriculum Staff Only Day of Friday 14 March is in your calendars. School is closed this day for our teachers to undertake their learning about the newly refreshed Maths Curriculum. We are also being joined by the teaching staff of Yaldhurst School for their staff only day. Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Have a great couple of weeks, and thanks again for your support.
Keep smiling
Happenings in school
Maths Curriculum Staff Only Day - this Friday
Non-Uniform Day this Thursday - World Kidney Day
2025 Term Dates
Meet two more Board members
Reminder of correct school uniform
Food and Nutrition Policy
Celebrating Ngā Rākau e Rua
Community notices