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Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School

Meet Our Staff


Introducing Mario Gude

by Kathleen Russell

Wider Leadership, Wellbeing Team, US Woodwork, Class 8 kaiarataki

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Meet Our Staff

by Karyn Gray

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Introducing Barry

by Karyn Gray

Upper School Science

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Introducing Brett

by Karyn Gray

Property Manager

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Introducing Chaucey

by Karyn Gray

Payroll Officer

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Introducing Chelani Gray-Clarke

by Kathleen Russell

Te Reo Māori Teacher Aide and Kapa Haka Teacher

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Introducing Claire

by Karyn Gray

Lower School-Class 2

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Introducing Dorothea

by Karyn Gray

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Introducing Emily

by Karyn Gray

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Introducing Fiona

by Karyn Gray

Learning Support

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Introducing Gabrielle

by Karyn Gray

Upper School Art

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Introducing Geoff

by Karyn Gray

Lower School-Class 7

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Introducing Gita

by Karyn Gray

Executive Officer

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Introducing Grant

by Karyn Gray

Deputy Principal

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Introducing Holly

by Karyn Gray

Learning Support

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Introducing Irene

by Irene Cheung

Deputy Principal

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Introducing Irja

by Karyn Gray

Upper School German and Internation Students

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Introducing Jenn

by Karyn Gray

Transition Teacher

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Introducing Karen

by Karyn Gray

Te Reo

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Introducing Karyn

by Karyn Gray


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Introducing Kat

by Karyn Gray


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Introducing Katie B

by Karyn Gray

Acting SENCO Lower School Handwork

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Introducing Katie R

by Karyn Gray

Upper School English & Humanities

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Introducing Kris

by Kathleen Russell

Lower School - Class One 2023, Class Two 2024

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Introducing Line

by Karyn Gray

Learning Support

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Introducing Louise

by Karyn Gray

Lower School-Class 6

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Introducing Marcelly

by Karyn Gray


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Introducing Megan

by Karyn Gray

Upper School English & Humanities

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Introducing Merlin

by Karyn Gray

Upper School Math & Science

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Introducing Nancy

by Karyn Gray

Lower School-Class 4

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Introducing Nina

by Karyn Gray


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Introducing Purdy

by Karyn Gray

Lower School-Class 3

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Introducing Ragini

by Kathleen Russell

Sports Coordinator

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Introducing Sarah

by Karyn Gray

Upper School Handwork

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Introducing Sharon

by Karyn Gray

Learning Support

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Introducing Simon

by Karyn Gray

Upper School Photography, Outdoor Classroom & Woodwork, Learning Support

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Introducing Sue

by Karyn Gray


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Introducing Tanya

by Karyn Gray

Lower School-Class 5

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Introducing Tim

by Karyn Gray

Upper School Math & Science

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Introducing Vanya

by Karyn Gray

Upper School Music & Outdoor Education

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