Rototuna High Schools

Korero From Natasha

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all.

I want to start my kōrero this afternoon off with a thank you. Thank you for your support during the last few months, as together we united against the challenges of COVID-19.

Alert Levels 3 and 2 brought relief for many families and whānau, as it was once again safe for our children and young people to physically attend school.

Getting back to a normal routine is important for the health and wellbeing of your children, and being around their peers and teachers will help them feel in control and reassured. We are looking forward to welcoming more students back to school and making it a positive experience for them and for you.

As I stated in our last newsletter, the COVID -19 space has provided us with a lot of reflection, particularly about how we can enhance the experience of learning for our students. As we have indicated we have adapted our Semester 2 for the remainder of the year (mainly for our Year 11 and 12 students) to make the most of the progress made and to enhance the experiences that can be had by our students. 

Importantly, the year for our students has been extended with NCEA examinations being pushed out by a few more weeks. What this means is more time for us to teach. Please note our decisions are based on what is best for our students and their academic and personal success. With change often comes uncertainty, we do not want this for you. Below you will find detailed information about Semester 2. We, as the SLT, will be holding sessions to talk directly with whānau about the changes and to help with any queries that you may have. Alongside these sessions we have the whānau conferences next week so that families can talk directly with their kaiarahi (advisors) to seek further understanding. Please see the dates and times in the Important Dates section. If you have any concerns or questions please ask us, we really want to help.

Ngā mihi Natasha

  1. Manukura - Student Leadership

    We are really excited to let everyone know that we have been able to finalise decisions for our Manukura. Three students from each Iwi ... Read more…
  2. Catch Up Week & Whānau Conferences

    During Whānau Conferences students will be able to and encouraged to attend school if they need to catch up or complete work from ... Read more…
  3. Semester 2

    As you will be aware, due to Covid, our Semester 2 programme has had to change to ensure that the transition between onsite and ... Read more…
  4. Pop Up Sessions for Whānau

    The RSHS Deputy Principals will be available for 'Pop Up' sessions during Whānau Conferences. These will be a space where you can seek ... Read more…
  5. Term 2 - Important Dates

    Read more…

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