Rototuna High Schools


Welcome to Week 7 of the school year! As we move further into the term we want our focus at the Senior High School to be on developing the critical, creative and caring thinking skills our students need to be successful at school and beyond. Last week we celebrated with families and students who achieved Excellence endorsements for their NCEA Level 2. Gaining excellence recognises deep understanding of subject knowledge, for example when a student can critically analyse ideas, generate new insights and connect concepts together. As a school we are continuing to focus on developing and exploring the ways we deepen your young person’s learning experiences to support their success. 

Your young person’s first progress report is going to be emailed to you in a couple of weeks (Friday 28 March) along with the assessments they have been entered in for the year (NZQA entries). If you don't receive this report make sure you check your spam folder. 

Your student’s progress is indicated in two ways on their progress report. 

Firstly, achievement, whether they are on track to achieve based on the work they have produced to date. Secondly, learning quality, the depth of understanding they are demonstrating in their learning. The progress for both achievement and learning quality are indicated by three colours: orange (not yet on track), green (on track), and blue (high quality evidence for progress/depth). 

Sometimes the indicators do not match what you or your student are expecting. In these cases I encourage you and your student to contact your kaiārahi to help you connect with teachers so you can talk with them, seek clarification and find out what to do to improve progress. 

Later in this newsletter you will find information about upcoming events, and updates in Pathways and Puna Wānanga. Thank you for your ongoing support and have a great week!

Ngā mihi, 


  1. Pathways Update

    Our Service Academy students rolled up their sleeves and got to work, preparing the ANZAC crosses for the upcoming commemoration. Read more…
  2. Spotlight on Attendance

    Working Together for Better Attendance Read more…
  3. Donation Information - Senior High

    Our 2024 financial year is coming to an end. Read more…
  4. Puna Wānanga

    Students continue to work through the DISCOVERY phase of the Design Thinking Process to ensure they fully develop an awareness and ... Read more…
  5. Online Safety Survey

    Request from Boyd Public Relations Ltd Read more…
  6. Cell Phone Reminder

    To comply with government regulations, students must not use cellphones during school hours, including break times, unless they are ... Read more…
  7. Uniform Reminder

    We are working hard with students to ensure everyone is representing our school wearing the correct uniform with pride and ‘show they ... Read more…
  8. Our Canteen TUCKR

    Tuckr QR Code Read more…
  9. Free Period Products

    Students are welcome to come to Student Services at the end of each school day to collect a bag of free period products. These are ... Read more…
  10. Message From Hamilton City Council

    Road Safety Read more…

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