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by Melissa Marfell

Mahi tahi in action!

Melissa Marfell - July 29, 2023

The beginning of term 3 has got off to a constructive start in the Junior Stars.

 Last term, we noticed many tamariki gravitating towards construction themed projects in their play-based learning. Forts, huts, shops and even a jacuzzi were built by tamariki with loose parts and a great imagination. Access to hammers, nails and wood saw the creation of remote controls, scanners and Ipads, all requiring a ‘can do’ attitude alongside a healthy dose of bravery when a finger got in the way. Next, we started to think big! With the kind help of Chris Gladstone from Nelson Whākatu Menzshed,  the frame of a whare now proudly stands in our courtyard. Tamariki have dubbed this our ‘Happy House,’ and have set to work painting it in the most vibrant colours. The happy chatter and collaboration during the painting of the frame was wonderful to witness. Our next focus is to enclose the frame with walls, which will require problem solving, perseverance and mahi tahi. The Junior Stars are definitely up for the challenge!