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Sherwood Primary

Pōhutukawa Term 4 Newsletter 2024

Term Dates:

Term 4 Starts - Monday 14th October

Labour Day Public Holiday - Monday 28th October

Teacher Only Day - Tuesday 29th October

Term 4 Ends - Friday 20th December 1:00pm Finish


Friday 25th October Whole School Assembly 2:15pm

Friday 8th November Senior Assembly 1:40pm; Junior Assembly 2:20pm


Tuesday 17th December Prizegiving

(parents will be notified if their child is getting a prize)


Welcome Pōhutukawa

Welcome Pōhutukawa team!

by Carolyn Crow

Welcome to Term 4

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Pōhutukawa Term 4 Learning

by Carolyn Crow

We're excited about our learning this term

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Team Reminders

Pōhutukawa Team reminders

by Carolyn Crow

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Dates Calendar

Pōhutukawa Team dates to note

by Carolyn Crow

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School Reminders

A few things to remember...

by Sherwood Team

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Communicating With Teachers

Communicating with teachers

by Carolyn Crow

Teachers are available to help with questions or concerns

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Sharing Learning & Progress Term 4

by Sherwood Team

We look forward to sharing your child's learning, progress, and achievement with you in a number of ways during Term 4.

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