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Community Services

Shirley Primary School - July 20, 2020

Here is a list of community services and agencies in our area

City Mission - (03) 365 0635 -

Community Alcohol and Drug Service - (03) 335 4350, (0800) 211 211 -

Aranui Community Trust Inc - 03 963 7070 -

Delta Trust (Foodbank) - (03) 389 0212 -

Red Cross - 03 339 3750, 0800 RED CROSS (733 2767) -

Beneficiaries Advisory Service - (03) 379 8787 , (03) 377 3560  -

Delta Community Trust - (03) 389 0212 -

Christchurch Budget Service - (03) 366 3422, (021) 0827 1472  -

Health line - 0800 611 116 -

Kids Line - 0800 543 754 -

Life Line - 0800 543 354 -

Oranga Tamariki - 0508 326 459 -

Parent helpline - 0800 568 856 -

Plunket Line - 0800 933 922, (03) 366 0765 -

Youth line - 0800 376 633 or free text 234 -

Delta Community Trust - (03) 389 0212 -

Shirley Community Trust - 03 981 5521 -

Womans Refuge - 0800 REFUGE 733 843 -

Police - 105 Non Emergency Number -

Work and Income support - 0800 559 009 -

Plunket - Shirley - 03-385 7392 -