Shirley Primary School - February 9, 2023
Procedure for enrolling a new entrant child
Around the time of your child’s 4th birthday please either complete the online enrolment form or come into the office to collect an enrolment pack and provide the required documentation for your child. It is vital that we are aware of any children turning 5 yrs so we can prepare our class numbers. To confirm the enrolment, you will be asked to provide:
A copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport, valid Visa if applicable.
Their immunisation certificate which shows they are immunised up to the age of 5
Proof of residential in zone address – current - in the last 30 days. Utility bill (phone, internet, power, gas) are acceptable items. We do not accept bank statements or letters. Depending when you enrol your child you may be asked to provide an up to date bill just before your child starts.
Click here to see if you are in our School Zone
Prior to your child starting school, you will receive an invitation to attend a parent meeting to meet the Principal and your child’s teacher. You will find out everything that you need to know about starting school at this meeting. You will then be contacted by the New Entrant Kākano Team Leader to organise school visits prior to your child starting school.
Procedure for enrolling a school age child transferring from another school
For parents who wish to enrol a school aged child already at school who is transferring to Shirley Primary School. Please either complete an online enrolment form or contact the school office to pick up an enrolment pack. You will be asked to provide proof you are living in our school zone before the enrolment is accepted.
The address given at the time of application for enrolment must be the students usual place of residence when the school is open for instruction. This means that if you currently live at an in-zone address but move to an out-of-zone address before your child’s first day of attendance at the school, your child will not be entitled to enrol at the school.
The Ministry of Education has advised that parents should also be warned of the possible consequences of deliberately attempting to gain enrolment by knowingly giving a false address or making an in-zone living arrangement that they intend to be only temporary eg
Renting accommodation in-zone on a short-term basis;
Arranging temporary board in-zone with a relative or family friend;
Using the in-zone address of a relative or friend as an “address of convenience”, with no intention to live there on an ongoing basis.
Before enrolment takes place (ie before attendance begins), if the board has reasonable grounds for believing that the given in-zone address will not be not a genuine, ongoing living arrangement, the board may withdraw any offer of a place it might have made on the basis of the given address.
After attendance has begun, if the school learns that a student is no longer living at the in-zone address given at the time of application for enrolment and has reasonable grounds to believe that a temporary in-zone residence has been used for the purpose of gaining enrolment at the school, then the board may review the enrolment. Unless the parents can give a satisfactory explanation, the board may annul the enrolment. This course of action is provided for under section 110A of the Education Act 1989.
Out of Zone applications
Out of Zone applications must fill in an 'Out of Zone' application form in the school office. This is not a guarantee of a place in the school. The number of places will be determined by the Principal on the bases of current and projected class numbers and school roll. A ballot may be conducted in September for new entrant children outside the zone, who are due to start school the following year. If numbers within other year levels fall too low, places will be advertised and a ballot may be conducted.