Message from the Tumuaki
Alistair Sim - November 30, 2022
Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to the final newsletter for the 2022 school year. It is hard to believe we only have one full week left in the school year.
School finishes at 12pm on Tuesday December 13th.
We are currently in the process of organising our end of year prize givings for this year.
Our junior school prize giving will be held Friday December 9th at 9:45am
Our Akeake prize giving will be held Friday December 9th at 2pm
Our Ti Kouka prize giving will be held on Monday December 12 at 9:15am.
We have decided to continue with separate prize givings this year as it allows us to celebrate a larger number of children in each team with each class handing out an award on each of our S.T.A.R values. Our superstar Shelley Wilson is also working hard to make sure that all our prize givings will be able to be viewed by our community on Facebook Live.
On Tuesday night I had the pleasure of attending the Children’s University Graduation at the Town Hall. It was wonderful to see the 35 children from SHirley Primary School receiving their graduating certificates. Special congratulations to Mitchell Given and Sonny Richards for receiving a gold certificate for 100 hours of work. A huge thank you also to our wonderful learning coordinator Penny Knowles who coordinated, supported and oversaw this whole programme.
On Thursday December 8th at 9:30am we will be holding a special assembly to farewell Mrs Lilian Wichman. Lilian has been with Shirley Primary School for over 30 years, has given incredible service to our school and will be greatly missed. We will have a number of special guests who will be joining us to make sure we give Lil a farewell to remember.
On Monday January 30th we will be starting the 2023 school year with goal setting conferences. These will be an opportunity to meet with your child’s 2023 classroom teacher and discuss your child's goals for the 2023 school year. Information about these conferences will be emailed out to all families prior to this date.
Being the last newsletter of the year on behalf of the staff at Shirley Primary School I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year with plenty of time to spend with your amazing children. For those families moving on from Shirley Primary School at the end of the current school year we wish you all the best.
Ngā mihi nui Alistair Sim (Principal / Tumuaki)