Newsletter Week 10, Term 3, 2022

In this issue

Kia ora e te whānau,

What a wonderful and busy term it has been! It is hard to believe we will be on term break next week. It has gone incredibly fast. 

To help us celebrate the end of the term, we had our sausage sizzle lunch and amazing fun run - great to see so many friends and whānau turn out in support, despite the slightly damp weather.

During Term 3, we also elected our new Board of Trustees. We have had one meeting so far and it was great to meet such a dedicated and enthusiastic group of invested people keen so support our school's growth and progress. I am looking forward to working with the group and getting to know them more over the coming months. Please have a look at their introductory statements in this newsletter - and say hi if you see them around school.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our school community; whānau, learners, PTG, Board and staff, for everything you have done this term making us the amazing place we are. There has been SO MUCH going on and we know that this has only been possible due to your hard work and giving us of your time and talents. 

Reflecting on the year that's been, I have realised that this term marks the first time in several years schools have been open for onsite learning non-stop for 3 terms in a row. No lockdowns!! It's no wonder we have some tired children (and families and staff!) out there at the moment. 

With Friday (tomorrow!) being the last day of school for the term, we are looking forward to welcoming our students and whānau back on Monday 17 October. 

Have a restful break everyone!

Ngā mihi nui,

Michael Harrop

Upcoming Dates:

Please ensure you check our School Calendar for up to date information.

Last Day Term 3 - Friday 30 September

First Day Term 4 - Monday 17 October

Labour Day (Holiday) - Monday 24 October

Amazing Race (Seniors) - Wednesday 29 October

PTG AGM - Thursday 27 October

Celebrating our Cultures Week - 31 Oct - 4 Nov

Senior / Middle Athletics - Friday 11 November

Year 4 Beach Day - Tuesday 15 November

Year 3 Beach Day - Thursday 17 November

Camp Parent Meeting - Thursday 24 November

Senior Camp - Tue 29 Nov - Fri 2 Dec

Year 6 Leavers' Dinner - Thursday 8 Dec

End of Year Assembly (TBC) - Friday 9 December

1pm Finish - Last day of school for year - Wed 14 Dec
