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Te Maire St Francis of Assisi Catholic School

13 March 2020


Education Review Report

by Jo Earl

On the basis of the findings of this review, ERO’s overall evaluation judgement of St Francis of Assisi Catholic School’s performance in achieving valued outcomes for its students is: Strong

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In Commemoration

by Jo Earl

Join us at 9.15am on Monday morning in a short prayer service to remember the victims of the March 15 Attack last year.

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A huge thank you to our wonderful school and local community for making our first St. Francis Fair such a huge success!

by Maire Bowler

What a wonderful community gathering the fair was last Sunday!

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Sacramental Catchup Programme

by Jo Earl

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Coronavirus update

by Jo Earl

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Teacher Only Day @ Tuahiwi Marae

by Jo Earl

We had a fabulous day at Tuahiwi Marae - it was great to be able to go as a whole staff and join staff from other schools - we all came away with new learnings.

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Policy and Procedure Review

by Jo Earl

This Term's Review: Recognition of Cultural Diversity

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Assembly Awards

by Bev Sutherland

Congratulations to the children on receiving this award

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Lent is a wonderful season in the Church calendar

by Rebecca Methven

– time set aside to renew and prepare ourselves to receive the fullness of life in the resurrection.

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