Our School

In this issue

St Thomas More Catholic School offers:

  • A team of professional, dedicated teachers and specialist staff who are providing students with exciting learning experiences in a caring and safe community.

  • Contemporary educational facilities and current curriculum with an emphasis on explicit teaching and learning, with structured maths (PR1ME MATHS) and structured literacy (iDEAL) platforms.

  • Close links with nine other Catholic Schools in our community of learning (Faith based Kahui Ako).

  • A commitment to the values of Excellence and Transformation (Head), Catholicity and Relationships (Heart), Justice and the Common Good (Hands).

  • Faith and community links with St Thomas More Catholic Parish which includes Suzanne Aubert Catholic School in Papamoa East.

  • Strong parent and community partnerships

  • Sporting opportunities at the top level of competition

  • Transitional Early Learning also called the Little Pebbles club.
