Kia ora whanau,
Thank you all for your support of our flexible Itime/Study week as we adapted to increasing numbers of unwell students and staff. Our ability to be responsive and flexible relies on the assistance and understanding of our community, and we are very grateful for the trust you have in our expertise and your willingness to support initiatives that, while a little different from the traditional model, still have quality teaching and learning at their heart.
Students and staff have embraced the changed timetable this week, and the feedback has been very positive. We will continue to revise and review our practices as the unusual and unpredictable circumstances dictate. As a staff we are focused on curriculum delivery, quality and equitable learning opportunities and academic progress, and while we may be achieving these outcomes in different ways, I have confidence in the skill, expertise and commitment of the staff, which will ultimately support our students' successes. Thank you again for your faith in us as professionals and your open approach to innovation and diverse solutions.
Ngā mihi nui,
Jackie Barron