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Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School

Newsletter 19 - 9th December 2022

Upcoming Events

12 December - EOY Reports Sent Home

12 December - Hapori Fun Day

14 December - Rata/Kowhai EOY Assembly (9.15 am)

15 December - Totara Final Assembly (9 am)

15 December - Pōhutukawa Final Assembly (11am)

15 December - Kahikatea Final Assembly (1 pm)

15 December - Y8 Dinner & Dance (5.30 pm)

16 December - Last Day 2022 (12.30 pm)


31 January 2023 - Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School OPEN


Principals Pen

by Simon Moriarty

Hi team, As I sit here and write my final newsletter article of the year I can’t believe the year we have all had..........AGAIN!!!! As I sit and reflect upon this I am filled with a strong sense of pride and gratitude for the resilience, connectiveness, respect, responsibility, and most of all kindness we have all displayed. Through these values, we continue to grow our E Tū Tangata mindset and 2022 has been the perfect year once again to show "You Have Value", "We Succeed Together" and "Others Matter".

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by Simon Moriarty

Hi team. Just a reminder that school closes for the year at 12.30 pm FRIDAY 16th December. The entire school will assemble on the main court at 12.25 pm.

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2023 Classroom Structure

by Simon Moriarty

Hi team. The 2022 finish line is coming into view.....slowly!!! We are now in a position to communicate with you next years structure, including welcoming some new staff as well as farewelling some of our amazing team.

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You Have Value - Emma Bolton

by Simon Moriarty

Over the weekend, Emma Bolton attended the Parafed Canterbury Awards Evening. This evening is much like the Oscars for para sport.

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Summer Reading Programme 2022

by Simon Moriarty

Our Summer Reading Programme is underway this week with almost 400 students signing up to take part.

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Pōhutukawa Camp

by Simon Moriarty

Last week Team Pōhutukawa were adventuring at Living Springs Camp. We have a few photos of the fun that was had from the first camp (more on Facebook).

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Canterbury Athletic Sports

by Simon Moriarty

What a great way to end our EOTC sporting events this year at the Primary Sport Canterbury Athletics with 15 of our tamariki. To make it to "Canterbury's" is a great accomplishment. The athletes gave it their all and had some great results, all while showcasing our Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston school values. Ka pai to all of you.

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Huge Thank you

by Admin

Huge thank you to our school community for your support

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Tuning in to Kids and Tuning in to Teens: Online Options

by Simon Moriarty

Tuning in to Kids & Tuning in to Teens is a very successful parenting programme facilitated by Mana Ake and is free. There are face to face or online options.

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End of Year Early Finish Care & Holiday Programme Info

by Rolleston Office

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Dental services during the holiday period

by Admin

During the school holiday period, we will be providing limited dental care at some of our clinics.

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Learn to dance - Rock'n'Roll

by Admin

Free Lessons - Fun, Music & Excercise

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Back to school stationery – order now!

by Admin

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Rail Trail Rampage

by Rolleston Office

26th March 2023

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