Whiria te tāngata - 13 June

Keeping Healthy

Unfortunately in recent weeks we have experienced very high levels of illness, with a rise in both COVID-19 cases and also a lot of other colds, flus and bugs.

At times, this has also placed a huge strain on our staffing levels, but we are doing our best to ensure we have sufficient staff for each class without the need to spread classes, or request parents to keep their child/ren home (something that other schools are having to do).

We ask that you keep a closer eye than usual on your child’s health and please keep them home if they are unwell, as this helps limit the spread of illness and ensure we can keep our staff and tamariki as safe as we can. Please do a RAT test if your child has any COVID-19 symptoms, as there has been an increase in cases amongst staff and students.

If you are contacted by school that your child becomes unwell during the day, we sincerely appreciate you collecting your child as soon as possible, as we simply do not have the capacity to keep them here at school. We know that this is difficult for working parents, so please consider who a backup person for collection is in the event that you can’t get here quickly.

A reminder also that the COVID-19 isolation requirements remain unchanged.If your child tests positive, they need to remain at home for 7 days after the date of 1st symptoms or a positive test (whichever came first). Your child may return to school on day 8, provided they are 24 hours clear of any symptoms.If someone else in your home tests positive, your child should complete a RAT test every morning for 5 days before coming to school. If they display any symptoms at all, then please keep them home.The guidelines can be found on our website here: https://www.xn--teaomrama-9bb.school.nz/faq_areas/12-covid-19-faq

A reminder also from the Public Health service, that flu vaccines are free for primary aged children, and you can get these (and Covid boosters) from a number of local pharmacies or your GP. Thank you in advance for your support with reducing the spread of illness amongst students and staff.

Te Ao Mārama Staff & School Board