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Te Kura Mareko Casebrook Intermediate School

Te Kura Mareko - Casebrook Intermediate News - 11 August 2022

Dates for your Diary! (Please note subject to change!)

Friday 12 August

Tuesday 16 August

Wednesday 17 August

Thursday 18 August

Thursday 19 August

Monday 22 August

Tuesday 23 August

Thursday 25 August

Friday 26 August

Monday 29 August

Wednesday 31 August

Thursday 1 September

Friday 2 September

Thursday 8 September

Friday 9 September

Tuesday 13 September

Wednesday 14 September

Friday 16 September 

Tuesday - Thursday 20 -22 September

Thursday 22 September

Monday 26 September

Tuesday 27 September

Thursday 29 September

Friday 30 September


Tēnā Koutou Katoa - Open Days A Great Success

by Sharon Keen

Our open morning and afternoons were well attended and we have received very positive feedback from many. Having the school open during the day allowed for people to see the normal programmes in action and as well as providing our student leaders with the opportunity to act as tour guides and share their actual Casebrook experiences.

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Final Casebrook Football Roundup for 2022

by Nick Leith

Casebrook is the home of Intermediate School Football in the Northwest of Ōtautahi/Christchurch! We have five teams - four boys' teams & one girls' team. In each newsletter we will share how things have gone for our teams. A big shout out to our parent coaches, Ben Careford (Rovers) and Lou Fyfe (United) and our staff coaches Charlotte Rennie, Nick Leith and Mackenzie Goble.

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Enrolments Close August 31st

by Nick Leith

A reminder to our community that enrolments for 2023 close on August 31st.

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Virtual Reality With Blake NZ

by Genevieve Feron

Can't travel up to the far north? Why not have it brought to you through the genius of VR! Zachariah and Kase caught up with some of the lucky Casebrook students who dabbled in this experience.

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Letters To The Queen

by Awatea Waretini and Ellah-Brooke Midalia

Not many people write to Queen and get a response! Jodie and Angelee can both tick that box. Awatea and Ellah went and asked them some questions to find out more!

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Redwood Library Visits

by Ritesiya Tufugafale and Kaysheana Wrathall

Casebrook Intermediate students have been enjoying their visits to the Redwood Library over the year. Ritesiya and Kaysheana caught up with some of the Room 5 students to find out about their recent trip.

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Welcome to Casebrook, Kyra!

by Miyah McConnachie-Rosewarne and Nalicia Te Ariki

Miyah and Nalicia from Room 3 met with the wonderful Kyra to ask her a few questions.

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Lost property roundup

by Catherina Hengst

All of these items are un-named, if your child's items are clearly named they will find their way back to them.

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Board of Trustee elections

by Catherina Hengst

Nominations closed for the Board of Trustees on Wednesday 3 August, we received four nominations which was enough to declare all the candidates elected and there is no need to run an election.

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McDonald's Youth Duathlon

by Tom Straker

Online entry forms & full information can be found at

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Second-Hand Uniform

by Christine Gillard

Currently we have some second hand uniform items available for purchase through the school office, contact -

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Cheer Success for Mindy!

by Trina Wilkinson

730 cheerleaders crammed into Trafalgar Centre in Nelson in the holidays for a huge cheerleading competition.

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Community News!

by Christine Gillard

Please see attached.

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