He pitopito kōrero
Nau mai Haere mai ki te Kura o Tuahiwi
Visit this articleCharter 2024 Aroha ki te tangata he tuahiwi ki te whai ao “Respect: The foundation for future success”
Visit this articleOur kura uara are important to all of us and we expect them to be upheld by everyone who is on our site. We practice our uara every day during wā karakia and have special mahi ā ringa that help us to remember what they mean.
Visit this articleWe offer a special programme of learning at our kura and are proud of the holistic approach we take to raising tamariki with whānau. Our personalised learning strategies are a key point of difference as is our capability to deliver in more than one language.
Visit this article"E rite ana mātou ki te kauwau e noho ana ki runga i te toka; ka pari te tai ka ngaro te kōhatu, ka rere te manu. Māu anō mātou e whakanoho ki te wāhi maroke kia ora ai tātou."
Visit this articlePlease follow this link to the 2019 ERO report for Tuahiwi School...
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