DioNews, Issue 3, Term 2, 2023
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Recently, students competed in the heats for the annual EPro8 challenge hosted by Dio. Out of the 13 teams that entered, we have had four teams advance to the semi-finals at The University of Waikato. Congratulations to Pumpkin Pi, who finished 1st in their heat and 6th (out of 12 teams) in the grand final.
Mary Curran
I was fortunate to attend the Secondary Principals' Conference (SPANZ) this term. The following is a summary of the keynote speakers from the conference.
Are you heading to House Singing tomorrow night? Don't forget to bring some cash for the Dio School Association Raffle.
Georgina Hewitt
The Big Sing regional choir competition results are in! Winner of Best New Zealand Song - Bel Suono singing David Child’s The moon is distant from the Sea, Cantiamo - Highly Commended, Bel Suono - Very Highly Commended and Best Choir 2023! Congratulations to all our singers and supportive staff and families. We are so proud of your achievements.
Rev Stephen Black
Every time I hear about the world's wealth distribution, I am shocked. I know I shouldn't be, but I am. I pray for an economic shift, but it still looks like 10% of the world's population controls 85% of the wealth. I realise this is a simplistic measure. I know many wealthy people are generous philanthropists, and I am grateful. Nevertheless, the numbers reveal that the world has enough resources to support everyone with the basics - like clean water - but it does not happen.
Ilse Rhynes
We look forward to celebrating our sporting achievements at our annual Dio Sports Awards ceremony in Term 4.
Please take the time to read the following key information ahead of House Singing on Friday 23 June.
Jamie Bidois
Kia ora koutou. I hope you have had a restful couple of weeks and happy Pride Month - we hope you have had a fantastic month so far.
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