DioNews - Issue 2 Term 4 2023
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Dio Communications
Despite the rain, we ran our Placement Testing Day activities for our gorgeous incoming year 9s for 2024. The event aims to assess academic abilities and determine appropriate placement for upcoming studies. Once the testing was complete, students participated in fun activities to help ease any anxiety about starting at a new school. Our incoming boarders also had a sleepover in boarding and a family brunch. We hope you all had a great day, team. We can't wait to have you join us in the new year as a fully-fledged Dio girl!
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Anna Sinclair - Parents' Association Chair
Thank you to everyone who came to our last meeting. It was great to see so much enthusiasm for the Parents' Association (formally School Association) and what we are trying to achieve - which is a place for parents to connect and be part of the Dio community.
Thank you to all the students who put their names forward to serve our school. To all of the students who have been selected, congratulations. We look forward to working with you all next year.
Mary Curran
As we strive to foster an environment of continuous improvement and growth at Waikato Diocesan School for Girls, I am excited to share a change in the timetable for 2024 and beyond that will enhance the educational experience for our students and staff.
Do you have a spare room, and do you or someone in the family drive? Do you enjoy learning about other cultures? Waikato Diocesan School is looking for homestay family accommodation for our International students in 2023.
People & Culture Department
A warm Dio welcome to the following new staff members.
As we round out a busy year, the department thanks all our outgoing leaders and code captains and congratulate our new leaders coming on board for 2024. We look forward to working with you and seeing the value you can add to the role of Sport here at Dio. We are also excited to welcome our new Director of Sport, Darlene Karena, into the department!
"Just as the body is dead without a spirit, so also faith is dead without good deeds." (NLT. Jas 2:26)
As part of the Year 10 Social Studies programme, every year, Year 10s and staff have the opportunity to work with Habitat for Humanity and participate in a day helping paint houses for two deserving families in the Waikato.
Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.
Are you an Old Girl of Waikato Diocesan School for Girls? Stay up-to-date with alumnae news and events by ensuring we have your correct contact details.
Our Dio Jazz Band had the wonderful opportunity to spend the day in a workshop with Paul Norman, itinerant brass tutor and musical director, as they prepare for the National Jazz Band Festival in Tauranga in March 2024. Sounding great, jazzies!
Our Year 9 students recently had a big day out in the Kukutaaruhe Gully, where they considered the following questions: How healthy is the Kukutaaruhe Stream? How sustainable are we at Dio? Why is the gully culturally important? How can we grow our food? How can we enjoy the gully environment? Where can we find wild food?
Only two more days to purchase your Waikato Diocesan 2023 Yearbook. Orders close at 5.00 pm Thursday 23 November 2023!
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024