DioNews Issue 1, Term 4, 2023
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Dio Communications
October 26, All Saints Chapel.
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Gabi Peach
Thursday, 12 October 2023 School Gym
Mary Curran
Welcome to Term 4, the culmination of the academic year, which includes a host of events to celebrate the achievements and successes of our girls throughout the year. The warmer spring weather, the promise of the Christmas break ahead and the myriad of much-anticipated end-of-year events contribute to a festive atmosphere throughout much of this term. In rather sombre contrast is the more serious business of preparing for final examinations in mid-November.
Only two more days to purchase your Waikato Diocesan 2023 Yearbook. Orders close at 5.00 pm Thursday 23 November 2023!
George Hewitt
Thursday 19 October 2023 Nancy Light Hall
Wow - it's term four already!! Where has the year gone?
People & Culture Department
A warm Dio welcome to the following new members of staff.
The reasons for the ongoing tension between Palestine and Israel are complex and complicated. Any proposed explanation must consider history, geography, politics and religion. Most of these categories trigger strong responses in people.
Canteen lunch orders will be shut off at 10:00 am each day this week only - Monday 30 October to Friday 3 November.
Term 4 started with our annual Sports Awards, a celebration of all things Sport@Dio. We extend a huge thank you to all our student speakers who brought the Awards to life and shared their experiences of their time at Dio and over the last 12 months: Carys Foot, Kate Stephens, Becky Dudson, Petra Pratt-Rink, and Te Aumihi Haggie.
Exchanges Coordinator
Please refer to the website's online calendar for other important dates and the most up-to-date information.
Some rights reserved Waikato Diocesan School for Girls , 2024