by Shelly Jackson

Wairere Banking

Shelly JacksonJuly 28, 2017

Teaching financial literacy in Wairere.

Positive reinforcement of the Wairakei Vision Characteristics and teaching financial literacy came together at the start of Term 1 when Wairere minted it's own currency!

Students earn Wairakei money for showing the Characteristics.  They then bank the money with our wonderful Bank Manager, Mrs Watson, in the Wairere Bank.  

The children can make choices about spending their money as there are a range of privileges available, from hot chocolates at break to 'Teachers' PA for the Day'.    They can also choose to save up for the big auction events at the end of each Semester.   Spend a little, save a little - or in some cases save alot!

In Week 1 of Term 3 the first auction was held.  
Everyone needed to check their bank balances and think carefully about what they wanted to spend.  As well as that great learning, we found out that Mr Mokotupu is an accomplished auctioneer!  
There were lots of great prizes, and we were very lucky to have Mr Buckner donate prizes that included a Canterbury Football shirt and a day as 'Principal's Assistant' - amazing!   It was a fantastic experience to bid at an auction - and alot of fun for everyone! 

The Wairere bank accounts are flourishing and we are all looking forward to the next auction at the end of the year! 


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Wairakei School: 2017. A Year of Change