Year 6 Sailing during term 1 by Shelly Jackson

Wairere Learning Community Newsletter

Shelly JacksonApril 30, 2017

End of Term 1 Newsletter

Wairere Newsletter 

Dear students, parents and caregivers,

We have had a fantastic start to the year with our camps at Okain’s Bay and Ngati Moti Marae being the absolute highlights for everyone. Thank you to all the parents - both those who came on camps as well as those who were at home getting everything ready and doing all the washing for the children when they got back!

The Year 6s also enjoyed an opportunity for a day’s sailing at Lake Rua, and there have been technology and literacy workshops happening as well.

The new student leaders are doing a great job. They held a fun Book Day and there were some amazing costumes in the catwalk show that the whole school enjoyed. This event raised money for the mobile library which will continue to visit in Term 2.

Children and teachers write articles about all the things we get up to at Wairakei, these are posted on the school website so be sure to keep up with all our news there.

New learning spaces

The wait to shift into our new learning spaces is over! We will make the move over the holidays so that Term 2 will begin in our fantastic new spaces. Everyone has coped incredibly well using the hall as our learning space and we will continue the same learning routines and timetables in our lovely new, warm, light and acoustically friendly Wairere space. We will continue to use the Learning Centre as breakout spaces as well.

Keeping track of belongings has been a bit of a challenge in Term 1, this should improve in Term 2 with the new storage, but please have all items clearly named. This discourages students using equipment that doesn’t belong to them and makes it easier to return lost property - both clothing and stationery.


We will continue our ‘All Systems Go’ inquiry into body systems and later in the term we will look at the solar system. As part of this systems inquiry, Life Ed will visit in Week 3 and the students will explore systems that make our bodies work. In Week 8 Science alive will set up in the hall and the children will have the opportunity to experience the wonders of the night sky in the Brian Mason Discovery Dome.

Parent help

We love to have parents and caregivers involved in our team!

As well as coming on trips, we have parents supporting literacy, inquiry and sports. If you would like to come in and be part of our learning, please let us know.

Winter sports

Winter sports will be starting in Term 2. A letter has already been sent home with information regarding this.

As usual, practise will be on Wednesday afternoons and the interschool competition is on Friday afternoons.

Positive Puberty

Wairere students will take part in a Positive Puberty programme for Year 5s and 6s at the end of Term 2. Please find a link to information about the talks here, a hard copy of this will be available at school from the beginning for Term 2 also. You will note that there will be a parents information evening held on Monday 3rd July, at 5.30pm in the Wairere space, please feel free to come to the Wairere teachers with any queries as well.

Learning conferences

It is wonderful to have so many families interacting with their children’s learning through our Linc-ed portal. There will be an opportunity to meet with Wairere teachers towards the end of Term 2, but interviews are definitely not restricted to this time, especially with the continuous reporting that we now have via Linc-ed. Please feel free to make an appointment to see us and discuss your child’s learning anytime.

Our email addresses are listed below:

Enjoy the holidays and see you in Term 2.

Kind regards,

Wairere Learning Community Teachers and Teacher Aides

Shelly Jackson,

Bron Harding,

Jon Mokotupu,

Millie Hume,

Jacqui Porter,

Megan Watson

Debbie Brennan

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Wairakei School: 2017. A Year of Change