Refurbishment update 27
Susan Jennison - April 8, 2021
Our refurbishment projects have gone really quickly over the last month and as much of the work has been behind the screened fence, the amount of progress made hasn't been obvious.
Hann Construction has confirmed that the new block will be ready for use from the start of next term and has asked us to move classes into these spaces during the April school holidays so that their team can begin work on Block 3 (Rooms 6-9).
Sadly, we don't quite have enough spaces to allow for the 'decanting' of Team 3, so two classes will have to work in temporary spaces in the new block until another room becomes free. This means that our library and next new entrant classes won't be able to move to the new block until later in the term.
Here's a summary of what's happening:
- During the April school holidays, Rooms 14 & 15 will move to their permanent home in the new block. As you can imagine, these teachers and children are very excited!
- Once they've moved out, Rooms 8 & 9 will move into their classrooms (Rooms 22 & 23 on our north boundary) until their block is refurbished.
- Unfortunately, Rooms 6 & 7 will need to move twice. During the holidays they'll make a temporary move to the new library and spare classroom in the new block. A few weeks into Term 2 we anticipate the refurbishment of Rooms 1-5 to be complete and Team 4 will move back into these spaces. Once they've moved in, Rooms 6 & 7 will be able to move to other spaces until their block is ready for them to return.
This is all a little confusing, so I've attached a map to show the movements.