At each assembly a child is selected to perform in front of the school and showcase their talents.
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Westburn School
Here at Westburn we offer a wide variety of musical opportunities for our students and are very proud of the talent that is produced. Please browse the information that has been provided to give you some further insight into music at Westburn.
Madeleine Gillman
Our Senior Choir and Orchestra joined several local schools to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the February 22nd Earthquake at Avonhead Cemetery.
Christina Arapai
This term Westburn Alumni, Lixin Zhang, visited Westburn to hold a masterclass with our SMP students. In order to learn from his expertise, our students prepared questions to ask about his time in the programme.
Westburn Te Kura o Hereora offers a distinctive music programme, unique from other schools throughout New Zealand. The Specialist Music Programme (SMP) has been established to provide the best possible standard of education, training and musical opportunities for children with high musical talent and potential.
The Junior Extension Music programme is for students from Years 2-4 who are interested in developing their musical skills.
Some rights reserved Westburn Te Kura o Hereora , 2024