Home Learning
All students are encouraged to complete homework but it is not compulsory and parents can request that their child not participate (Please contact the class teacher to do so). As students progress from Years 5 to 8, it is important for them to develop independent study skills, and learn how to organise time effectively. Further information about expectations for homework at each level of the school can be found below.
Years 1-3 - Homework set is predominantly literacy-based and should be undertaken for 5-15 minutes per day. Year 3 students will typically spend more time than Years 1-2 students.
Year 4 - Students are encouraged to read daily and to practise basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. Homework should be undertaken for approximately 20 minutes per day.
Year 5 -Students are encouraged to read and practise their basic facts daily. There may be additional weekly tasks set to complement classroom learning. Homework should be undertaken for approximately 30 minutes per day.
Year 6 - Students are encouraged to read for approximately 10 minutes per day. Mathematics activities will usually focus on revising the concepts taught in class. In addition, weekly tasks may be set to complement classroom learning. Homework should be undertaken for approximately 30 minutes per day.
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Years 7 & 8 - Students complete the Hereora Challenge, a set of activities designed to develop independent work habits, grow knowledge and encourage community service. Homework should be undertaken for approximately 40 minutes per day.
Guidelines for how you can help at home
Click here for some practical ideas created by the Ministry of Education for supporting your child to develop their reading, writing and maths at home.
Learning activities while absent
Click here for any activities that your child/ren can do if they are away from school for an extended period of time.