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Whangārei Intermediate School

Pānui/Newsletter #11: Thursday 4 August 2022


Te Tepu a Whāea Hayley. Nau mai, hōki mai ki te kura takawaenga o Whangārei: Term 3, Wiki 2

by Hayley Read

Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi. With red and black the work will be complete.. This refers to co-operation where if everyone does their part, the work will be complete. The colours refer to to the traditional kowhaiwhai patterns on the inside of the meeting houses.

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High School Enrolment Interviews Time To Get This Done Whānau

by Paul Botica

Urgent for Parents of Year 8 students. A reminder current Year 8 students should be enrolling at high school now.

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Tumeke Te Whanau O Waimirirangi Ka mau te wehi.

by Debbie Hedley/Matua Wiremu

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Whānau Points.

by Wiremu Rankin

After 4 days at kura, here is the state of the nation.

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Congratulation to our tamariki who are being the best they can be. Kei runga noa atu koe!

by Debbie Hedley

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Congratulations to our amazing ākonga/students, who are being the best that they can be. Hara mai ko te pai!

by Gemma Thompson

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WIS Term 3 Planner 200

by Hayley Read

Please find attached our term 3 planner for your convenience. It is a plan, therefore, things can change but it gives you an idea of our term's activities. Print it off and pinned it on your fridge as a point of reference.

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Our W.I.S.E Lesson Wiki 1

by Gemma Thompson

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Our W.I.S.E Lesson for Wiki Two

by Gemma Thompson

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Whangārei Intermediate School accepting enrolments for 2023

by Hayley Read

Enrol online:

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High School Enrolment Information

by Paul Botica

Above is the latest information we have received from high schools about enroling. We will update as more information is sent. Below are high school flyers for events next term.

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WIS Cross Country 2022

by Hayley Read

Friday 26 August, starting at 1pm. Nau mai, haere mai. We invite you to come along and support your child. Times are included in the poster. Masks are optional but encouraged.

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A.I.M.S Games Med/Media forms

by Wiremu Rankin

The instructions to complete these if your child is an Athlete going to A.I.M.S games is attached

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Whangarei Intermediate School AIMS GAMES Personal Requirement List 4th- 9th September 2022

by Wiremu Rankin

This is not a definitive list, merely a guideline. We are away for 5 nights.

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A.I.M.S Games

by Wiremu Rankin

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers of AIMS Games Participants, A huge thank you to those parents who attended the AIMS Games meeting regarding the organisational details of the event. The purpose of this letter is to share with you some items discussed at the meeting.

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Whangārei Intermediate PTA has given 12 scholarships to 12 AIMS GAMES participants ($150.00 each)

by Debbie Hedley

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Whangārei Intermediate School Science Fair

by Shannon Watson

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Whangārei Intermediate School's Spelling Bee

by Shannon Watson

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Nearly There

by Paul Botica

Ruma 22-17 will be moving back to their classes next week.

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Take what you need, Give what you can. Thank you to our community who contribute to our Pataka Kai.

by Christine Thompson

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Ruma 20 is using the "House of Science" kits.

by Holly Weber

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Our new 3D printer!

Introducing the Ultimaker 2+

by Karen Hinge

Our library has a new 3D printer and Ms Hinge is an expert in using it.

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What's Cooking in Kai Oranga?

by Debbie Hedley

Students have been busy cooking delicious simple food

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Here are some of the latest new books to arrive in our library!

by Karen Hinge

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More FM comes to visit Room 10

by Neke Adams

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WIS Breakfast Club every morning from 8.10 am until 8.30 am. Come to the Kai Ora/Foods Room and fill your puku.

by Debbie Hedley

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Please find below the timetable from Te Manawa Tahi/Ministry of Education regarding support for students.

by Debbie Hedley

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Out of Hours Music Lessons

by Lisa Barber

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