Woodend School Newsletter - 6th June 2019 # Issue 9

In this issue

🤣 We welcome Ryder and Trin to Woodend School.  We hope you soon feel part of the school family !!

We have a busy couple of weeks coming up before the end of term - we have our Yr 3 - 8 Parent Conferences being held from Tuesday 18th through till Thursday 20th June.  Please check out the attachment with booking instructions for the interviews.

A reminder that we have the DISCO scheduled for next Friday night - 14th June.  "DEEP BLUE SEA DISCO" at the Woodend Rugby Clubrooms.  As per the flyer sent out this week, we are looking for helpers to set up in the morning, and at either of the age discos from 5.45 - 7.30 pm or 7.30 - 9.30 pm.  Please contact us or email the office on office@woodend.school.nz  Thanks to the people who have already replied but we still  need some helpers for the senior disco !!

On Friday 21st June we have our Whare Manu Day where the various teams will be doing activities, some here and some off site.  Whare Manu team teachers are sending out separate notices.  It will be a fun day for everyone with a wide variety of activities planned.  The costs are the same for all activities - $16 for one child, $28 for two and $40 for three or more.

Sausage Sizzle Day - note there will be a change of day for the sausage sizzle the week of the Whare Manu Day - so we will be having sausage sizzle on Thursday 20th June on this week.  Same costs;  $5.00 = Combo 1 (1 sausage, 1 cookie, 1 drink),  Combo 2 (2 sausages, 1 cookie)

Sausage $2.00,  Cookie $1.50, Drink $2.00

WASP (Woodend Before & After School Care) is offering a holiday programme for the upcoming holiday period. Please check out the attachment. In the attachment you will find the online booking link as well.

Building Projects

We are finally starting the refurbishment of some of the junior rooms and the junior toilets next week.  Please be aware that there will be contractors on site.  They will be cordon off areas where they are working for safety reasons.  Please remind your children to respect these barriers for their own safety.  Contractors will have their site office in the staff and service car park.  Please remember this is NOT an area for dropping off or picking up children before or after school.  We will keep you updated on the progress and hope to minimise the disruption to staff and students.

Reminder around Child Safety:

"Never call children across from the other side of the road.  Excited children often dash out onto the road forgetting to look for traffic.  Children cannot accurately judge traffic speed." 


This week's "word search" is for the phrase logical thinking skills............   First two to spot the phrase and email me at a.simpson@woodend.school.nz  will win the chocolate !!

Adrienne Simpson



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