Dunedin Public Libraries | Kā Kete Wānaka o Ōtepoti

April may be bringing the cold, but we've got hot new releases in the collection, and plenty of activities and events running throughout the month to keep you warm and busy!

  1. Book Review: Bits of String too Short to Use by Jennifer Beck

    Jackie shares a review of Jennifer Beck's memoir with a Dunedin connection Read more…
  2. New Non Fiction

    New and recommended reading from our non-fiction collections Read more…
  3. Book Review: Random In Death by J.D. Robb

    Dianne reviews the latest release in the In Death book series. Read more…
  4. New Fiction

    New and recommended fiction from our collections Read more…
  5. What's On

    It's a busy time at the libraries! Plenty of crafty and scientific activities through the Wild Dunedin Festival, fascinating ... Read more…
  6. Book Review: Raven Black by Anne Cleeves

    Collection Development Team Leader Angela shares her own recent discovery in the collection Read more…
  7. Ōtepoti He Puna Auaha, Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature

    Project Coordinator Anne Shelah shares recent updates from the City of Literature. Read more…
  8. Series Review: Supernatural Academy by Jaymin Eve

    Dianne highlights a completed fantasy series that is worth the read Read more…
  9. Foraging Fun: Exploring Aotearoa's Fungi Wonderland

    Rachel shares the fascination of fungi with Liv Sisson's first book Read more…
  10. Have your say on our Annual Plan

    It’s Annual Plan time again, so we want to tell you what’s new, what’s changed, and how to have your say. Read more…
  11. Dunedin City Council Proposal on Aurora Energy

    HAVE YOUR SAY Read more…
  12. Subscribe

    Sign up now to receive regular what's on updates from Dunedin Public Libraries. Read more…