Hamilton Boys' High School

 From the Head of Boarding,

The year is almost over with our junior boys looking forward to their Year 10 Camps and Year 9 Activities programmes this week to round off their year at Argyle House and Hamilton Boys' High School.

Thank you to all families for ensuring your son returned for the Argyle Prize Giving on Sunday 30th October. It is always a very special and rewarding occasion that allows us to share in the successes and achievements of our young men, which concludes with all 29 Year 13 students walking across the stage, for the final time at Argyle House, as part of their formal graduation.

Argyle House Prize Winners of the Major Awards:

  • Matron’s Cup: Best All-Round Year 11 Boarder: Jay Wilson

Sporting Excellence

  • Matthew Allen Memorial Cup: Inter-House Challenge - Sutherland House (accepted by Sutherland House Leader, Sam Potter)

  • Tylee Cup: Best Junior Sportsman: Liam Van Der Heyden

  • Blythe Cup: Best Senior Sportsman: Josh Syme

Visual & Performing Arts Excellence

  • Morris Trophy: Outstanding Junior Visual or Performing Arts: Jack Higgins

  • Coltellaro Trophy: Outstanding Senior Visual or Performing Arts: Rupert Nielsen

Academic Excellence:

  • Year 10: Junior Dux, Margaret Beattie Scholarship: Alexander Brown

  • Year 11: Top Academic Prize: Hendrik Roux

  • Year 12: Top Academic Prize: Joshua Wickers

  • Headmaster’s Cup for Academic Excellence for a Year 13 Student, Dux of Argyle House: Jack Broomfield

Service and Leadership Cups:

  • Leigh Cup for Service & Leadership displayed over consecutive years by a Year 11 & 12 Boarder: Harrison Grainger

  • Bennett Trophy for Outstanding Service & Contribution to Argyle House: Joseph Lorimer

  • Cramond Cup for Service: Jack Broomfield

  • Argyle Cup for Leadership: Thomas Verry

The senior boys that remained in during the NCEA study leave period all worked conscientiously in the prep room from 9.00 - 10.30am and 11.00am - 12.00pm each week-day morning, under the supervision of an Argyle Master. I am sure their studious approach will result in a pleasing set of NCEA examination results for all students.

With Years 9 and 10 the only year levels remaining at school, they have all enjoyed the reduction in prep hours and have made good use of the swimming pool between 7.00-8.00pm most evenings. The tone of the Hostel is very relaxed and positive, as we all look forward to the end of the school year.

The final day of school is Friday 9th December. The Hostel closes for the year on Friday at 2.30pm.

The Junior Prizegiving for Years 9 and 10 students is scheduled for a 10.00am start on Friday 9th December.


8.30am: All prizewinners to Gym 1.

8.45am: All Years 9 and 10 to their Tutor Groups.

9.30 - 9.45am: All students will make their way to Gym 1.

10.00am: Junior Prizegiving begins.

On the conclusion of Prize Giving at 11.15am (approximately): Years 9 and 10 students to receive their Diligence and Distinction Certificates in Tutor Groups.

11.30 - 12.30pm: Rolling lunch at Argyle. Boys are able to depart for the year immediately after Junior Prize Giving has concluded.

2.30pm: The Hostel is closed for the year.

We now look forward to 2023 and the new Hostel year. Our Senior Leaders and Prefects have been appointed and we have a full Hostel for the start of 2023 with 55 new boarders, 35 at Year 9 level, that includes 9 new International students. With international borders having re-opened we are pleased to welcome new boarders in 2023 from Hong Kong, Thailand (5), Japan, Germany and Fiji.

We farewelled two Hostel staff at our Argyle Prizegiving, Mr Kyle Martin (Grove Assistant Master) and Te Uira Palmer (Grove Assistant Master). Harry Parker (GAP student) is arriving from England in late January to take up an Assistant Master position for a year. The Headmaster and I hope to make an appointment for the vacant Grove Assistant Master position this week.

I have attached the 2023 Argyle House and Grove Term Planner below, which has all key dates for the start of the new year to assist all families with the safe return of their son.

It has been another exceptional year at Argyle House, despite the impact COVID interruptions have had on the boys, families and staff at various times throughout the year. We are blessed with a caring and hard-working staff, an outstanding group of Prefects and Senior Leaders and a group of young men who go about their daily lives within Argyle and Grove with such positive energy. It is truly a pleasure to be part of this Hostel environment.

Thank you for the continued support of all our boys, staff, Headmaster, Hostel Committee and Board of Trustees throughout the year. It has been appreciated by us all and we now look forward to what lies ahead in 2023 with two new staff and 55 new boarders.

This is my final newsletter for 2022 and it is pleasing to be able to publish and share with you so many photos and stories that have taken place over the past few weeks. We will miss all those leaving us, especially our Year 13 boys. We wish them all the very best for life beyond Argyle.

I will send out a reminder email in 2023, a fortnight before the boys are due to return to the Hostel, outlining all return procedures and key dates.

We will be thinking of those whānau with family members going through personal health struggles and hope they return to full health over the Christmas and New Year period.

On behalf of all Hostel staff, I wish everyone a safe and joyful Christmas with your son, whānau and friends.

Ngā mihi

Murray McKenzie

Head of Boarding

021 516 477

  1. Argyle House Prize Giving 2022

    On the last Sunday of October, Argyle House headed to Gym 1 to celebrate all of the successes of 2022. It felt wonderful to be back ... Read more…
  2. HBHS wins New Zealand Secondary Schools' National Condor Sevens Champions

    After going through their two-day tournament undefeated in all six games, played at King's College, Auckland on Saturday 3rd, and ... Read more…
  3. Liam Van Der Heyden (Year 10) finishes second in Oceania

    Having just returned from Guam as a member of the New Zealand Under 15 Basketball team that competed at the Oceania Under 15 ... Read more…
  4. Waikato Under 16 Touch Team wins National Māori Under 17 Division Touch Championships

    Maxwell Kara (Year 9) was the co-captain of this team, scoring the winning try in the drop-off, in what was described as an “epic” ... Read more…
  5. Ashan Barr (Year 13) receives the Naaz Shah Trophy

    This award is given to a student who embodies the principles of Manaaki; to cherish, conserve and sustain. Read more…
  6. HBHS finish as runners-up at the New Zealand Secondary Schools' Junior Ki-o-rahi Championships

    Four Year 10 boarders at Argyle House were part of the team that were defeated in the final 10-9 by Te Wharekura O Rakaumangamanga: Lexis... Read more…
  7. Regan Harvey (Year 10) wins his first Boxing bout, by a unanimous decision

    Regan has been Boxing for 10 months, training out of Nabby's Boxing Gym, in Te Rapa, Hamilton. Read more…
  8. Alex Arnold, Winner of the Year 10 Argyle Scholarship

    There were 17 applicants from within the Year 10 cohort, who applied by submitting a hand-written letter of no more than 1000 words, ... Read more…
  9. Sean Witters (Year 12)

    Standing with his completed, year-long, engineering project - motorised scooter, designed and built in the school workshop. Read more…
  10. Argyle House Year 13 Leavers’ Dinner

    This took place in the Hostel dining room, Friday 28th October, with all Year 13 boarders and their immediate families, staff, ... Read more…
  11. Prefects and Senior Leadership Group 2023 Return Day

    Please ensure you plan to return on Sunday 29th January, between 4.30 - 5.30pm, the day prior to the Year 9 and Year 13 boarders ... Read more…
  12. Movie Reward Term 2

    The boys who were consistently positive throughout Term 2 were finally rewarded with their trip to the movies on Thursday 27th October. Read more…
  13. Movie Reward Term 3

    Another trip to the movies as reward for good behaviour throughout Term 3 occurred on Wednesday 16th November. Read more…
  14. The Beginning of the New Hostel & School Year, Term 1 2023: Arrival Days, Times & What to Wear

    It is an exciting time for our 55 new boarders, 35 of them at Year 9 level, who will be looking forward to their new life at Argyle ... Read more…
  15. Term 1 2023 HBHS School Shop Hours

    Re-opens on 20th January Read more…
  16. Years 10-13 Placements 2023

    The Headmaster, Mrs Hassall, Senior Master, Mr Teokotai-White and Mr McKenzie completed the final round of interviews on Friday 11th ... Read more…
  17. Year 13 Grove Contracts 2023

    Thanks to those parents and caregivers who completed and returned their son's contract by the due date of Thursday 1st December. Read more…
  18. Clothing numbered and labelled

    Over the holiday period can you please ensure ALL clothing is numbered with your son's laundry number, and initialled. e.g. BL 21 for ... Read more…
  19. Mobile Phone Survey

    Thank you to the 77 families that completed the ‘Argyle House Phone Survey’ sent out earlier this term. It was pleasing to have 34 of ... Read more…
  20. 2023 Argyle Term Planner

    Please find attached below the key Hostel dates for 2023, including Set Leaves and the school term dates. Read more…
  21. Hostel End-of-Year Report for all Boarders

    All Hostel reports are currently being proofed ready to place on the Hamilton Boys' High School portal for all parents and caregivers ... Read more…
  22. Man of the Week, Term 4 Week 3

    Congratulations to our sharpshooter, Matthew Riley. Read more…
  23. Argyle House Student Leaders for 2023

    Congratulations to all of our leaders for next year, and a special congratulations to Head Prefect for 2023, Harrison Grainger. Read more…
  24. Man of the Week, Term 4 Week 2

    He's a multi-talented athlete who competes in a range of sporting codes. Read more…
  25. Argyle House wins big at the Māori and Pasifika Awards Evening

    Congratuations, Alex Arnold, Lexis Marsh, and Liam Van Der Heyden! Read more…
  26. Man of the Week, Term 4 Week 1

    He was one of our star performers in the National title winning HBHS 1st XV, and he has recently won National representative honours. Read more…
  27. Hostel Parent Representatives

    For Argyle House parents and caregivers to contact about any hostel matters. Read more…