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Harewood School - March 12, 2025

For safety reasons it is very important we know where tamariki are at all times during the day.

Daily Absences

It is vital absences are advised to the school. On days your tamariki are not attending school, please send a notifcation via your HERO app, or ring the office on ring 359 8382, or email before 9.00am to inform us of your child’s absence. 

If your child is away for more than one day in a row, please notify the school office each day or advise when they will be returning if you know their illness or reason for absence has a date they are not able to attend until.

If we haven't been informed of an absence, office staff will try and get hold of a parent to confirm the the absence. These procedures are to ensure the safety of our tamariki. 

If we haven't heard from the parent and if we are unable to reach anyone, your child's absence is recorded as truant.

The only justified reason for not being at school is for absences due to sickness, bereavement or exceptional personal or family circumstances.

Late Arrivals

If your child arrives after the bell at 9am it is important that ALL children sign in on Vistab in the school office. If your child is not able to do this you will need to come in and do it with them.  This is to ensure that everyone is accounted for and safe.

Leaving during the school day

Tamariki, at times, have to leave school during the school day to attend appointments etc. When this occurs please let the classroom teacher know and also report to the office to sign out when leaving, and sign back in if and when your tamariki returns to school, using the Vistab system located in the office.

Absences for Holidays

We do understand that, from time to time, in some circumstances these absences for whānau time together, are unavoidable. Regular holidays throughout the school year impact on children's achievement, and so the leardership team will connect with families who choose to do this.

Absences from school for holidays must be advised in writing prior to the holiday. These letters can be emailed to the school office at We keep on file the letters for holiday absences. 

It is our policy that teachers do not provide work to be completed for holidays however do chat with your child's teacher about keeping a holiday diary.