Sport/Physical Education
Harewood School - October 10, 2022
Children throughout the school participate in sport and PE including Kiwisport.
Expansive and sheltered grounds ensure that we can offer the children a variety of sports throughout the year.
Year 4-6 children take part in zone sporting events and competitions organised between local schools.
Inter school sport is participated in by year 5 and 6 children during the winter months.
There are many opportunities for out of school sport and are run only with the support of parents. School-wide touch competition is run after school at Nunweek Park for all year levels from October to March. Hockey teams play on Monday evenings for years 3-6, basketball for years 5-6 and netball for years 3-5. Notices are sent home regarding these.
Perceptual Motorskills Programme
All junior children participate in a Perceptual Motorskills Programme (PMP). This programme helps develop hand eye co-ordination, memory and basic motor skills. Children circulate around 4 activity stations each session. PMP is run twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays during Terms 2 and 3 and is facilitated by one of our great teacher aides with the help of parents on a roster. Please let your child's teacher know if you are able to help.