Principal Panui
Julie Greenwood - October 6, 2022
Kia ora e te whānau
I hope you managed to have a break from routine during the school holidays. Andrew and I had a lovely couple of days away at Maruia Springs.
Our Year 6 students go on school camp today until Friday. This is an exciting time for them and we look forward to hearing about their wonderful learning experience.
Each year all our Year 6 students spend three days, two nights away on school camp, usually to Wainui in term 1. This year because of COVID concerns in term 1, our year 6 camp is happening this term at Omaka.
Year 6 camp is an important part of our school EOTC (education outside the classroom) learning and something we encourage all our parents to prepare your children for. Other regular EOTC activities include a day ski-ing in Year 5 and a day sailing in Year 5 & 6. We also endeavour to have trips or events linked with learning happening during the year, unfortunately COVID restrictions have limited these again this year but hopefully next year we will have more learning experiences outside school happening. it's good for families to know these are event will come up to prepare yourself and your children for them.
Erin Black has been a Teacher Aide at Harewood School for a long time. She has made the hard decision to stop work to focus on her health. We have loved having Erin as part of our team and staff and students alike will miss her. We are planning to farewell her in assembly on Friday 28 October. Parents are welcome to attend to acknowledge all she has done.
Speaking of assemblies, parents are most welcome to come to the staffroom for a drink and chat from 8.45-9.10am before assembly. This allows the class on assembly to get organised and everyone seated in Taumatanui, and also provides a great opportunity to connect with others parents in your child's class.
We are excited to let parents know that Sharna Davis has been appointed to a permanent position at Harewood from next year. Sharna has already become part fo the Harewood team so it will be nice to have her here permanently.
Please make sure you have read the athletics notice and update from PTA about how the bake sale will be operating this year.
Have a lovely week and enjoy the long weekend!
Ngā mihi nui