Te Puāwaitanga: April 2022

In this issue

Nau mai, pānui mai i tō tātou karere hou, ko Te Puāwaitanga. Ko te ohonga ake o ngā moemoeā, ko Te Puāwaitanga o te whakaaro!

Welcome to our new look community newsletter, Te Puāwaitanga. We are excited to adopt the Hail platform to better engage with our whānau and wider community.

This issue features extraordinary success on the national stage by our rowers and a number of individual athletes. Co-curricular activities are now in full swing, as this month's edition shows! 

Another feature of this edition is Lionheart, a student magazine carrying the theme, "Own your identity - Purutia tō tuakiritanga".

Finally, the team would love to thank all our whānau who have contributed stories and photos to this month's edition. Without your help, we wouldn't have so much great content.
