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James Cook School

Newsletter #8 - Term 3

Kia ora koutou katoa.  We hope that this edition of our school newsletter finds you all well.  Week 6! It is great to finally see some sunshine.  Hopefully it will last into Friday for Rangitīkei Tough Kids and into the weekend.

Our staff and students are continuing with their learning focus for the term and are busy too with the extra opportunities that come their way during the term.

Welcome to two new whānau, Lakarnah and O'Shea Vole and Cooper and Parker Bowater.  We also welcome Arthor Langkilde who is having his school visits before starting school!  We hope you enjoy your days at James Cook School.

In Week 8 we will have our Rangitīkei Cluster Quad event.  This will involve Year 7 and 8 on Tuesday 5th September and Year 5 and 6 on Thursday 7th of September.  Students involved will play in 4 codes against our cluster schools.  Information will be coming out as draws and organisation become available.  (Each school is hosting a sports code). We hope to see you supporting our students.

Thanks to those parents and students who attended our Year 8 Transition hui with Rangitīkei College last night.  Today we will send home enrolment packs for the College.

Ngā mihi



Current initiatives and upcoming events and projects

by Kara Mason

As we head into the last half of the term we update you on some of the 'happenings' around our kura.

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Ukulele Festival

by Room 8 Students

Last week Room 8 represented the school at the annual Ukulele Festival. Here they share their experience with us. Thanks Whaea Amanda for supporting the students with their writing.

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Celebrating our Students

by Kara Mason

Here are the most recent recipients of our values certificates.

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Celebrating Writing

by Kara Mason

Recently we had Whaea Bonnie teaching in Room 9. She worked with the students on writing, specifically learning about 'personification'. Here is some that stood out, created from the picture above.

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Sports Update

by Sue Caltaux

Term 3 is coming to an end and so too are our winter sports. This is a timely opportunity to reflect on the 'sports year' so far.

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Policy Review and Procedures

by Kara Mason

These are policies that are under review for Term 4.

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