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James Cook School

Newsletter #6 - Term 2

Kia ora koutou, this is our final newsletter for Term 2.  We wish all our whānau a restful and rewarding holiday.

Matariki will be rising during this period so this is the perfect opportunity to reset and do all those preparations for the beginning of a new term.

Matariki ahunga nui The great mounds of Matariki

Matariki is a time when food like kūmara are stored in large piles and shared among friends, whānau, and the wider community. This whakataukī speaks about manaakitanga, sharing food, and being together with loved ones.

We remind you of our hāngi on Monday 17 July.  This is our way of showing our manaakitanga, and once again bringing together our whānau.

Thank you to those families who have donated potatoes and kūmara.  We gratefully receive these.  Any other donations will be accepted up to the end of this week.


Art and Cultural Exhibition

by Kara Mason

What a wonderful day we had on Monday - a celebration of our students art work. We thoroughly enjoyed welcoming you to school.

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Holiday Programme

by Kara Mason

Please find below information about a programme on offer that you may be interested in for the holidays.

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Property Update

by Kara Mason

There are a number of projects around the kura at the moment. Some of these are Ministry funded and others are funded by the school. Here is an update.

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by Kara Mason

Matariki will be officially celebrated across Aotearoa on Friday 14 July. We will have our own celebrations in Week 1 of next term - Monday 17 July to Friday 21 July.

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Celebrating our Students

by Kara Mason

Here are the recipients of our latest round of certificates for upholding our school values from recent Mahi Tahi Assemblies.

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