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Middleton Grange School

Newsletter #1 - 2 March 2023


Mike Vannoort

From the Principal

by MGS

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

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Welcome - New Staff

by MGS

We warmly welcome the following new staff to Middleton Grange School in 2023.

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Te Haerenga Ceremony – Year 10 Cohort

by MGS

On a beautiful Christchurch morning last Tuesday...

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NCEA Results 2022

by MGS

Congratulations to the 2022 Senior College students for their success in their NCEA exams.

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Room 11 - Chemistry Class

by MGS

Students in Room 11...

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Year 11 Camp - Waipara Adventure Centre

by MGS

The Year 11's...

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Creatives Lab - Year 11-13

by MGS

The Kahika Centre...

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"The Fridge" - student Christian radio

by MGS

The Fridge...

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Year 5

by MGS

Rooms 12 and 13...

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Year 6 Trek

by MGS

Last week...

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Library Redevelopment

by MGS

The Secondary Library...

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Year 8 Adrenalin Forest

by MGS

One hundred Year 8 students...

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Lyttleton from the Bridle-path

by MGS

Oil on canvas, a copy of Sydney Lough Thompson’s work. (1877 – 1973)

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Year 3-4 Discovery

by MGS

Year 3-4 students...

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Faith in Action

by MGS

Our School Community...

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10FNT Christmas Cakes

by MGS

At the end of last year...

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Haunted House by Faith & Afrema

Year 9 Gingerbread Houses

by MGS

Late last year...

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Year 10 Service Day 2022

by MGS

Towards the end of last year...

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Advice about managing our children's cellphones" from Tāima Kōrero

by MGS

This phone belongs to my 14 year old daughter.

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