What's coming up:
- Monday - Whānau hui is on at 12.20pm (phone app will go out if it is not taking place)
- Tuesday - Year 8's at Tech
- Wednesday - normal day, primary schools are not striking
- Wednesday - 7pm - board meeting
- Thursday - school closed for parent and teacher interviews
- Friday - end of term celebration assemblies
- 6 April - LAST DAY OF TERM 1!!!
- 24 April - school closed for staff only day
- 25 April - school closed for ANZAC Day
- 26 April - students return for the start of Term 2
- Children must not be at school before 8.30am on any day - unless they are at Kelly Club, or on the first bus (first bus children can wait in the Smiley Face room until 8.30am if they want to be inside)
- Use your Kindo account to:
- make payments on your school account
- Order Subway lunch (orders need to be in by 8pm on a Tuesday)
- Order Sausage sizzle lunch (orders need to be in by 3pm on a Thursday)
- Make sure you have our phone app - it has absence, term dates, these newsletters, urgent notices and more!
Science Academy update
Pat on the Back!
Congratulations to these children! They have been awarded a Pat on the Back for being Creators, Thinkers and Adventurers.
Visit this articleExpo night was cancelled due to the weather - which turned out to be the right call!
Miniball Registration
Miniball registration closing on Thursday 6 April, Touch tops are to be returned.
Visit this articleWaiSwim 2023 Year 0-6
WaiSwim is a registered Quality Swim School with Swimming New Zealand.
Visit this articleMixx Korfball Cup Competition
Topping up your myKindo account
So you can buy lunches, fundraisers and pay for items on your school account
Visit this articleHealthy Eating and developing a Community Garden-Mini units with the Year 8 and Year 1 Buddies!
Our ākonga (learners) explore ways in which we can make better choices for ourselves and the environment.
Visit this articleAcademic Competitions 2023
Spring Bulb Fundraiser
Thank you for supporting our recent fundraiser. We have raised just over $500 to go towards camps - yay.
Visit this articleCommunity Dental Holiday Service
If you need to book an appointment during the April School Holidays either call 0800846983 or email commdental@cdhb.health.nz
Visit this articleTe Kōhaka
Ngā Tai o Mahaanui and Taerutu
Wiki 8 in Pekapeka
Kia ora e te whanau, Hard to believe there are only 2 weeks of school left until the school holidays!
Visit this articleWeek 9 in the Senior school
Looking for something to do this Sunday - head on down to The Brick Mill Cafe!
One of our very talented parents is performing there for the next 3 Sundays
Visit this articleGive-it-a-go at Hinemoa Kaiapoi Hockey Club!
Do you have a child thinking that hockey may be their winter sport, but want to try it out first?
Visit this articleCodeCamp April School Holidays
CodeCamp allows children from the ages of 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun and action packed environment. Develop confidence & initiative through design, creativity, solving problems, presenting & collaboration. Create games, apps. Waimari School: 17th - 20th April. Book Now at https://codecamp.co.nz
Visit this articleClarkville School Gala
This Saturday 25th March 2pm - 5pm, 10 Heywards Road, Clarkville.
Visit this article