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Pegasus Bay School

Newsletter for Friday 24 March 2023

What's coming up:



Check who the spotlight is on this week!

by Pegasus Bay Staff

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Science Academy update

by Amanda Dunn

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Pat on the Back!

by Di Murphy

Congratulations to these children! They have been awarded a Pat on the Back for being Creators, Thinkers and Adventurers.

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Expo night was cancelled due to the weather - which turned out to be the right call!

by Jared Kelly

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End of Term 1 celebration - Friday 31 March

by Jared Kelly

What you need to know...

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Miniball Registration

by Dedrie Trnjanin

Miniball registration closing on Thursday 6 April, Touch tops are to be returned.

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WaiSwim 2023 Year 0-6

by Jen Loffhagen

WaiSwim is a registered Quality Swim School with Swimming New Zealand.

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Mixx Korfball Cup Competition

by Jen Loffhagen

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Topping up your myKindo account

by Admin

So you can buy lunches, fundraisers and pay for items on your school account

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Video: Healthy Eating for less

Healthy Eating and developing a Community Garden-Mini units with the Year 8 and Year 1 Buddies!

by Sally Patterson

Our ākonga (learners) explore ways in which we can make better choices for ourselves and the environment.

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Next week at Kelly Club.

by Pegasus Bay Kelly Club

Our theme is Fit and Famous.

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Academic Competitions 2023

by Di Murphy

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Spring Bulb Fundraiser

by Corinda Thompson

Thank you for supporting our recent fundraiser. We have raised just over $500 to go towards camps - yay.

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Community Dental Holiday Service

by Corinda Thompson

If you need to book an appointment during the April School Holidays either call 0800846983 or email

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Te Kōhaka

by Anna Sage

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Ngā Tai o Mahaanui and Taerutu

by Simon Crawford

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Wiki 8 in Pekapeka

by Ella Latham

Kia ora e te whanau, Hard to believe there are only 2 weeks of school left until the school holidays!

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Rakahuri and Waikuku Pānui

by Róisín Anglesey

Wiki tuaiwa

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Week 9 in the Senior school

by Rachel Kelly

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Looking for something to do this Sunday - head on down to The Brick Mill Cafe!

by Community

One of our very talented parents is performing there for the next 3 Sundays

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Give-it-a-go at Hinemoa Kaiapoi Hockey Club!

by Community

Do you have a child thinking that hockey may be their winter sport, but want to try it out first?

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CodeCamp April School Holidays

by Corinda Thompson

CodeCamp allows children from the ages of 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun and action packed environment. Develop confidence & initiative through design, creativity, solving problems, presenting & collaboration. Create games, apps. Waimari School: 17th - 20th April. Book Now at

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Clarkville School Gala

by Corinda Thompson

This Saturday 25th March 2pm - 5pm, 10 Heywards Road, Clarkville.

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